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About Us

Christian Day Child Academy (CDCA) is an educational preschool where children can learn, discover and create in a Christ-centered environment.  We believe that God is the source of wisdom, and His truth (the Bible) should be the foundation of learning. Our approach to learning is a balance of free-choice time at learning centers and structured group activities. Our facility includes a large, bright classroom and a fenced-in outdoor play area.


We want to provide a comprehensive learning program that stimulates spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical and social development.  We desire that, like the child, Jesus, our children will "grow in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man." (Luke 2:52)


Our desire is to foster an academic foundation for all future school experiences. In order to do this, we believe that we must encourage "growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 3:18)


At CDCA we provide appropriate indoor and outdoor play experiences that contribute to a child's total development. Through all of our activities, we encourage the development of curiosity, creativity and problem-solving abilities.


Preschool is also designed to help children learn and develop social skills, personal responsibilities, self-discipline, control and confidence. It allows children to foster security with adults outside of the child's family while the parents partner with the teachers to meet the needs of each child.


Our Staff:

Pre-K 3 Class (3 year-olds - Tuesday/Thursday mornings) - Our lead teacher is Cheryl Ladendorf. Cheryl has 30 year's experience with Christian Day and has an Associate Degree in Child Development from Dakota County Technical College.   Tanya Grawe assists in the 3 year-old class, she has a B.A. in biology and education from St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN and has been with CDCA for almost 15 years.   Karen Koles continues as a substitute teacher and has a long history with CDCA.


Pre-K 4 Class (4-year-olds - Tuesday/Thursday mornings) - Lead teacher is DeVon Sadowski. DeVon has an Associate of Arts degree in psychology, social science & Bible from Northwestern College in St. Paul, MN and has over 20 years of experience at Christian Day.  Rebekah Olson is assisting in the class – she has been at CDCA for 4 years and has a degree in elementary education from University of Northwestern in St. Paul.


Pre-K 4 Class (4-year-olds - Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings) - Team teachers are DeVon Sadowski and Tanya Grawe.  Jenni Koles and Rebekah Olson are assistant teachers in this class.  This is Jenni’s 9th year at CDCA as an assistant teacher.   She has an Associate degree in child development from Dakota County Technical College.


Pre-K 5 (Pre-Kindergarten) Class (5-year-olds - Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings) - Cheryl Ladendorf teaches this class assisted by Kathy Osthus.   Kathy has a BS in Family Relationships from the University of Minnesota and has been with CDCA for over 10 years.


Music Education - Kathy Osthus teaches "Majestic Music" classes each month for all ages. 


Science Education - Tanya Grawe teaches a monthly science class called "Science Sparks" for all classes.


Math Education & Art Appreciation - Devon Sadowski teaches these specials to all classes.  


Debbie Karban is the Director for Christian Day Child Academy.  She has a B.S. degree in Child Development from South Dakota State University and has over 40 years of experience with Christian Day.

For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe.

1 Thessalonians 2:13

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Our Teachers

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"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;

I will guide you with My eye."

Psalm 32:8

Our Classroom

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 19:14

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